Photographing Birds in their Natural Habitat

Photographing Birds in their Natural Habitat is on again with Hartmut Walter and Frank Schlegel.  This class was full last time and everyone had a blast.  Hartmut is an expert at finding and photographing birds and Frank is an expert instructor and nature photographer and as a team they provide a great photographic experience.

The class meets for a slideshow and orientation on Thursday September 29th 7-9PM at Samy’s EDU near the Fairfax store.  Hartmut will prep students on what to expect and how to get the most out of the day and Frank will give a photo lesson on how to capture great bird photos.  The workshop moves to Malibu Lagoon on Saturday morning for the field portion of the workshop.Students are encouraged to bring tripods and cameras with telephoto lenses.  Registration and more info here.

Hartmut has a great resource on his Flickr site where you can see photos of what birds you can expect to see in the month of September at Malibu Lagoon.   Here are some of those photos which are Copyright All rights reserved by Hartmut S. Walter

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