Chase Jarvis Nikon D7000 Video

If you don’t know Chase Jarvis you should. He is a great guy who openly shares his creative and technical ideas. He’s been doing behind the scenes videos for years now and has a huge following online. We were both speakers on a PDN Road Tour and he floored me with his talent, generosity and charisma. He flew in to Atlanta from a shoot in Chile just to speak to the group of 200 photographers. He asked the crowd to tell him what they do to give back to the community and then he signed over his speaking fee to the person he deemed most worthy. That should tell you a lot about where he’s coming from. He’s nobody’s corporate shill and he genuinely wants to help other photographers while making the world a better place.

Enough with the Chase Jarvis love fest. . . . Here is a video he shot where he took a Nikon D7000 out on a road trip. Enjoy the video and don’t forget that Samy’s is hosting the first US Nikon class for the D7000 on March 9th. If you really want to see what all the fuss is about and learn what the camera can do for your business, you can sign up here.

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